
Мы лучшие шахматисты

2 members

Chess is a great activity. They develop logic and thinking . Please enter this club.
rules: do
not cheat.
don't swear.
don't swear.
play fair.
invite your friends.
I think you will be part of this club .
There will be different tournaments, when there will be many participants.
Good luck ☺ ☼
✔ [C]E][L][I,
20 participants 👑
30 participants 👑
40 participants 👑
50 participants 👑
60 participants 👑
70 participants 👑
80 participants 👑
90 participants 👑
100 participants 👑
110 participants 👑
120 participants 👑
130 participants 👑
140 participants 👑
150 participants
160 participants
170 participants
180 participants
190 participants
200 participants
210 participants
220 participants
230 participants
240 participants
250 participants
260 participants
270 participants
280 participants
290 participants
300 participants

We have here will conducted sessions, tournaments and, forums
here in club cann