
Delhi Public School Kalyanpur Chess Championship

21 members

-- Only one player from each school is allowed to participate in the tournament.
-- The tournament format is Swiss 7 Round with a time control of 5 minutes per player (5+0).
-- The tournament will be conducted on
-- Participants must provide their Name, Lichess-ID, and Age Proof for registration.
-- The tournament password will be shared with registered participants 45 minutes before
the tournament.
-- There will be a 1-minute gap between each round for setup and pairing.
-- Participants are responsible for their internet connection; the organizer is not responsible
for network issues.
-- Participation confirmation will be sent after receiving the required details.
-- The organizer's decision is final in case of disputes or rule clarifications.


DPSK Global Chess Championship10+0 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss