
Search "user:sirenbrian"

12 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Reviewing puzzles from puzzle storm does not switch to Unrated#3

Agreed; it looks like it is working as it should now. I see the "rated" setting is there, but my actual rating doesn't change if I fail the Storm puzzle I'm reviewing.

Lichess Feedback - Reviewing puzzles from puzzle storm does not switch to Unrated#1

Hello, If your Puzzles page is set to "Rated", then when you review puzzles from puzzle storm it keeps the "rated" setting there. It should, according the Puzzle Storm instructions page, review those …

Lichess Feedback - I would like to export edited PGN from the analysis board#1

Hello, I'm using the analysis board to look at errors in my games. I find better lines I should have played and then, ssing the "promote line" command, I build the line that I *should* have played. I'…

Lichess Feedback - I'd like to "Play from this position" in the opening explorer#6

This advice is all open, but its from the "you can just . . . " school of thought, where the feature I'm after is kind of available if I take multiple steps, and those steps have to be taken every tim…

Lichess Feedback - I'd like to "Play from this position" in the opening explorer#3

Thank you for the reply; after I wrote my message I found that sequence of steps, but I was hoping it could be reduced to a one-click affair, like they have it on

Lichess Feedback - I'd like to "Play from this position" in the opening explorer#1

Hello, One of the features I like on is the ability to play a specific opening against the computer; if you added a "Play from here" button in the excellent "Openings" feature I would be abl…

Lichess Feedback - Find the places I missed a tactic#5

@mcgoves said in #3: > Thank you, but I know about this feature already - I'm talking about having the computer (their server or my local PC)…

Lichess Feedback - Find the places I missed a tactic#4

@Autofill said in #2: > This is already here as the game analysis Yes, but as I pointed out I don't want to look through the games myself and try to find the places; I would like the computer to analy…

Lichess Feedback - Find the places I missed a tactic#1

I'd like lichess to show me places where I missed a tactic. I'm guessing an eval swing of 2 points in my favor would be a good thing to search for. I know I can find them manually, but that's slow; I'…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: play puzzles of a chosen difficulty#1

Hello, I enjoy doing puzzles on lichess but I would like the ability to choose a rating range. I know we already have a difficulty dropdown, with the -300 and -600 options, but the ability to type a p…
