
Search "user:pieceplay"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - List of past arena tournaments#1

I cannot find a list of, say, all "Daily Blitz Arena" tournaments of 2023. Is there a way to get such a list? Background: For a research project I want to analyse arena tournament games. If I download…

Lichess Feedback - Hide engine evaluations in broadcasts#2

Already implemented (just in a different way than I thought). Should have done my research first...

General Chess Discussion - FIDE Picks Breast Implants as a Sponsor for Women's Chess#82

Finding sponsors is hard. Finding sponsors for chess is even harder and finding sponsors for women's chess is almost undoable. So congratulations to Fide for managing. I guess every company can be cri…

General Chess Discussion - How to stream in lichess via Youtube#6

I thought so (of course only lichess approved you as a streamer which apparently happened already)

General Chess Discussion - How to stream in lichess via Youtube#4

I vaguely recall that you have to schedule a stream (on YouTube?) and have "" in the stream title. Maybe my info is is more than a year that I looked into this
