
Search "user:NickelAnge"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Display a clock in analysis board#12

This topic is a very good one. The present system is not next to useless in classical games : it is outright useless. I can't believe it is impossible since some other chess sites already use it, and …

Lichess Feedback - Crazyhouse and Puzzles#1

Very well creating funny ideas (Crazyhouse, Antichess and so on) that will interest some players, not more than a few as the bright-new shine wears off. Far more urgent is the vast problem of rotten p…

Lichess Feedback - The terrible habit of not finishing games#10

On peut respecter un joueur qui va jusqu'au bout dans l'espoir d'un pat ou d'une erreur ; ça m'est arrivé des deux côtés de la barrière.

Lichess Feedback - The terrible habit of not finishing games#9

If you write in English, I'll answer in English.

Lichess Feedback - The terrible habit of not finishing games#3

Je ne suis pas vraiment d'accord. C'est vrai que ce n'est qu'un site internet, et même les échecs ne sont qu'un jeu. Mais d'abord, on pourrait dire la même chose des tricheurs. Par ailleurs, je ne jou…

Lichess Feedback - The terrible habit of not finishing games#1

The terrible habit of rage-stopping loosing games is rife on Lichess. Such bad players should be reported, and something should be done after at least a number of such reports. To the present list of …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzles problems#7

The chap who seemed to offer some help is "game_spectator" in "38554 and lots of badly broken ones" subject, in a message dated yesterday.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzles problems#6

As regards the type 1 problem, I just hadn't noticed that the last move offered a "prise en passant" (I've known en passant for over 40 years thanks). But there were two similar cases of no move allow…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzles problems#4

Indeed Knives'moves should be played. But the puzzle doesn't play them, and that's the whole problem.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzles problems#1

Lichess, which I thoroughly regret to have been introduced to only a few months ago, is a definitely wonderful chess-site, all the more remarkable that it is open to all including the most cash-strapp…
