
Search "user:Nathan826"

5 forum posts
Atomic WC - 2023-awc-rounds-and-results#214

@Avanthian_Magistrate said in #213: > Is this the final? A rematch of last year? Yes, but Vlad can lose once whereas sutcunuri can't. Sutcunuri defeated catask 5.5-4.5 in the final of the losers brack…

Atomic WC - 2023-awc-rounds-and-results#200

When is Vlad vs. Vannto?

Community Blog Discussions - Why I am officially withdrawing from atomic world championship 2023?#5

Thanks for sharing that, snared. It's very interesting. If it's an official rule that the games with each color have to be evened if one player requests that, then I don't understand why the tournamen…

Community Blog Discussions - Why I am officially withdrawing from atomic world championship 2023?#3

Why is the post giving a page not found error?

General Chess Discussion - What would be the likely effects of outlawing threefold repetition?#18

This rule could lead to some interesting outcomes where the side that it instigates the perpetual check wins (even if otherwise losing). For example, consider the following position: https://lichess.o…
