
Search "user:MasterLucienJaccon"

133 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Team Puzzle Tournaments#1

Hi, Not sure whether this idea is good or not, but I think it'd be fun to see team arena tournaments, but for puzzles. Teams can enter the tournament and when a player completes a puzzle, it would add…

General Chess Discussion - Help me find a game#1

"7...dxc4 8 Bxf6 Nxf6 9 Nxc4 Qc7 10 Rc1 Be7 11 g3 0-0 12 Bg2 Rd8 13 0-0 Nd5 14 a3 Bd7 15 b4 Be8 16 Qb3 'White is better,' Ivanchuk-Aseev, Yerevan 2004." You can find it here too:…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cryptic Implications of the First Astronaut to Land on the Moon#1

The first discovery actually occurred rather naturally. My brother realized that NEIL A (his middle name is Alden) ARMSTRONG spelled backwards gave GNORTSMRA A LIEN. Is it a coincidence that an alien …

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General Chess Discussion - Share Interesting Openings#19

rnb2k1r/1pq1b1pp/4pp2/1p1pn2Q/3p3P/3B1NR1/PPPB1PP1/R3K3 w Q - 0 15 position comes from a french defense classical variation

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