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82 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 1.g3 vs 1.Nf3#17

Most games (concerning our topic) are reaching the position after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 anyway, so in this case it is not relevant whether you have started with Nf3 or with g3. And 1.g3 e5 is no pro…

General Chess Discussion - Death of chess.#51

Even if computers are better than humans, why should this imply that there will be no human chess players in the future? A car is much faster than a human, but there are still people who run 100 m or …

General Chess Discussion - 1.g3 vs 1.Nf3#13

I agree that 1.Nf3 looks slightly more useful (because 1.g3 allows a move like 1... e5, which is not necessarily better than 1... d5 but gives Black more choice). Still, 1.g3 is no mistake. If Black w…

Community Blog Discussions - Adult Improvers: Why GM Openings Might Not Suit You#9

While I agree that most of the GMs seem to live "in their own world" and have problems thinking "like a normal chessplayer" some GMs (I know at least one of this latter group) have - as a result of th…

Community Blog Discussions - Adult Improvers: Why GM Openings Might Not Suit You#6

Yes, but there are GMs who are good coaches (not because they are GMs, but because they have an additional ability of thinking like a normal chessplayer). Even if their percentage is not extremely hig…

Community Blog Discussions - I want to improve, but I'm busy !!!#42

Yes, I agree absolutely. Maybe I was playing too much in the first phase, and after a break I played much better. Also longer games (instead of Blitz) helped too. :)

Community Blog Discussions - I want to improve, but I'm busy !!!#40

Hm, it seems as if my brain has had "a week off". Now I am improving again. :) Both in Blitz and in long OTB chess. I could achieve a draw in a team match against a clearly stronger opponent (and we w…

Community Blog Discussions - I want to improve, but I'm busy !!!#18

My problem is different: at some days I am not very busy - and I play and study a lot of chess. But this does not lead to improvement - sometimes I am thinking that I am spending too much time with ch…

Community Blog Discussions - Improve your blitz results in eight steps#10

There are no easy ways, especially not when you are above 50 years old. At some point in life you have to stick with what you have achieved. The alternative is losing points. The problem is that - on …

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess - Candidate Moves, David Marr, and why it's so hard to be good.#20

Yes, this is indeed interesting. Our brain does not follow the same algorithm prior to each move (like an engine does) but it might be that we calculate deeply (and correctly) in position 1 but that w…
