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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#12

Sugurush, you're describing how to copy games into lichess, which wasn't what was asked. In study mode, I don't see a way to get the pgn you've created on lichess without downloading it. They should r…

IM ChessSuccess
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#9

Wolfram, if you do that it will save the game on your hard drive in any case in the pgn Downloads folder in ChessBase. There are a lot of reasons why it's ideal to have the same feature ChessBase and …

IM ChessSuccess
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#8

Sugurush, where do you press copy on the pgn? I only see a download link

IM ChessSuccess
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#5

You are correct, but I asked how to get the game moves to copy without needing to download a pgn. The problem is that when you download 250 pgns (eventually, say, over the course of a few weeks), your…

IM ChessSuccess
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#3

Thanks for your response. I mostly use lichess in study mode though. In studies, how do we get the pgn without needing to download a pgn?

IM ChessSuccess
Lichess Feedback - Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads#1

I think it would be great if there was a simple way to copy the game moves of a game you are analyzing or just played, such that the pgn of the moves of the game would pop up in a small window. If thi…

IM ChessSuccess