
Search "user:Blunders4life"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Do People Even Offer Take-backs when they made a blunder?#4

Yeah, it depends on the person. When it comes to me, it depends on what I feel like doing (most of the time I decline them, though). I do follow my own code of conduct with this, though. If I deny tak…

General Chess Discussion - Playing in the rating range 1400-1600#17

Sometimes people are very good, sometimes not. It is pretty much a gamble facing a provisionally rated player, though more often than not one in my favor.

General Chess Discussion - Question = Horse Vs Tower#61

@FireIslandGerbil, I'm aware that such situations exist, but things are ultimately situational. I prefer a rook to a knight near end game in general, not necessarily in every situation, and I would ge…

General Chess Discussion - Question = Horse Vs Tower#47

In the early game, I much prefer a knight to a rook. The rook is behind all the pieces and unable to do anything. A knight can jump over pieces and whatnot, giving it the freedom to be able to move ev…

General Chess Discussion - new cheaters#171

Just because someone is good and they are new in lichess doesn't mean they are cheating. There are ways to learn and play chess other than lichess as well, you know?

General Chess Discussion - how would you feel about any additional information visualized on the board?#5

I frankly don't like the idea of removing such a high degree of difficulty from chess. Blunders are a part of chess and getting rid of them is kinda meh in my opinion. The data shown currently is fine…

General Chess Discussion - On what I regard to be a basic lack of knowledge of sportsmanship and manners#62

I don't specifically find myself not saying good game after I lose. Rather, I tend to not saying it after a game at all. It's not me recenting my loss. I just generally can't be bothered to use the ch…

General Chess Discussion - VS Higher Rated Players#16

Firstly, I want to specify that I'm talking about Rapid, which is what I mainly play. (Longer times often result in me having to resign due to not having to finish and I don't think long enough fo rth…
