
Search "user:AnjumSKhan"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Hyperchess against Stockfish 8#1

Managed up to 4 seconds loss

Lichess Feedback - Classical tournaments#1

It seems LiChess only promotes Blitz chess, and occasionally Rapid chess. There are Blitz marathons but hardly any Rapid marathon or Classical marathon. There are Bullet/Blitz/SuperBlitz tournaments e…

Game analysis - Help me analyse my game please!#7

Analysis of your game => Tired of sending army to fight, King thought that I would become unhealthy sitting at home so went out himself at a training session.

Game analysis - 800-900 player - Want to improve.#3

I will annotate your game and help you out.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzle history#3

You can save the game link in your STUDY. You can directly skip to the desired move using this format : . Note #12 at the end of the url, this means 12/2 = 6th move of wh…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess says I am rated 800, can anyone kindly help me improve?#5

Best would be to play 1 game and get it analyzed. Learn from what other say , and then don't make that mistake in your next game. I would be happy to analyze your game.

General Chess Discussion - Training partner in najdorf#2

ok done

General Chess Discussion - Kings Indian Defence Club#1

Hi all ! For me chess is only and only Kings Indian Defence. If you feel like so too lets form a group and practice daily. Your thoughts please.
