
Search "user:psuter"

32 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - I can not move!#4

Your only move was f2-f4, the king is in check everywhere else. Is that what you tried?

General Chess Discussion - Current tournament score system IS interesting...but...why not keeping a "normal" score system as well, at least as an "alternative" option, for the ones who want to participate in a tournament with "standard" scoring system?#29

Scoring is not the only difference; one major difference between Swiss-system tournaments and the current pools is that with a Swiss system, you don't get paired against the same opponent twice (or in…

General Chess Discussion - A real chess problem.#7

The rest of the advice is very good, I'll just give a couple more that (kind of) work for me and that are not immediately related to extended practice: 1) Play games that make you care. For me, the si…

Game analysis - Draw vs Stockfish 8#6

Looks like maybe the server AIs are not aware of the position history when they get asked for a move?

Game analysis - How do I analyse an OTB game?#6

The simplest way is to just type it: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 etc.

General Chess Discussion - How can we play variants online ?#2

If you just want to set up the board yourself, you can always use the board editor: People use it for instance to give their friends knight (or rook, etc.) odds.

Lichess Feedback - Network error Reconnecting#3

Maybe your browser doesn't support websockets? You can try going there and pasting the link they give you:

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence#8

Are games persisted when the server is restarted? I did not get that impression. Proper correspondence chess would require that they are.

General Chess Discussion - What is stronger: 1 queen or 2 rooks?#3

Hello #1, I'm not good enough a chess player to comment on theory here, but I can tell you that you don't need to let your computer run overnight to analyze such positions, you can just look them up i…
