
Search "user:Panti"

25 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Magnus Carlsen New Movie Trailer#7

-remembers the position of each board ?- ...and probably dreams about it and will be able to remember most games for the rest of his life. Its Magic ! ....However, he should get a girlfriend maybe . ^…

General Chess Discussion - A chess coach for beginners#11

I think Yermolinski wrote in 'Road to chess improvement' sth like: "...a good Player is not necessarily a good teacher" jmfc ;)

General Chess Discussion - Chessbooks#8

...somehow the first book coming to my mind is : Chess for Tigers - S. Webb ;)

Game analysis - 2000+ player resigned in 13 moves :)#3 and Im very proud I found the doublecheck + MATE out of nowhere in move 11! - ..against the 700 higher rated 2500 russian GM ... :P - after 40 losses i finally …

Lichess Feedback - tactics trainer#2

- because finding one absolute winning line should be enough. generally yes but with 5s left on your clock you might see things different - then its absolutely essential to find the mate in 2,3,4,5.. …
