
Search "user:stevage"

22 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Request: more visible indicator of last move#1

I relatively often experience an issue where I'm staring at the board, and yet don't see that my opponent has made a move. I have the last move display turned on (and piece animation), but the subtle …

General Chess Discussion - Please Help#2

I just noticed the same thing for me.

Game analysis - Training 53077 - computer's move#1

Can anyone explain white's BD4? It must be very important that the black queen end be on D4, not F2, but I don't understand why?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Feedback Thread of GirlofChess#13

Personally I'd keep it exactly as it is. That way, every square is exactly the same size and shape.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Feedback Thread of GirlofChess#7

>Notification about "online friends" is probably the most irritating thing on the website for me. Agreed. I don't have any "friends" on lichess, and I don't intend to. Simple fix: if user doesn't have…

Lichess Feedback - Filter out first-timers#6

>Were that possible, new players would be unable to play games... Well, only if *everyone* used that option...

Lichess Feedback - Filter out first-timers#1

It can be tedious playing "1500?" rated players. You have no idea their actual rating, and often they're pretty bad, quit halfway through a game etc. An option to filter them out?

Lichess Feedback - Sportsmanship or reputation rating?#3

Well, I'd see it as a scoring system, not a simple "you did X, now you're banned". Give people an incentive to good behaviour. No need to have specific rules about what you can and can't do - just all…

Lichess Feedback - Sportsmanship or reputation rating?#1

I keep running into players who do things like: - letting the clock run down in totally lost positions (ie, 3 minutes on the clock, mate in 1) - offering draws in lost positions - asking for takebacks…

Lichess Feedback - Bug in "Mate in X" calculation?#4

Ok, thanks. Do the devs here work on Stockfish at all?
