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298 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Playing together with a lower rated player against the opponent#10

@Brian-E said in #8: " I think that when you say you don't think most people would care, it's more accurate to say that most people wouldn't know." If I'm playing against a 2200-rated account, I don't…

General Chess Discussion - Playing together with a lower rated player against the opponent#7

It's technically cheating, for the same reason setting up a second board is cheating; it's giving you additional stimulus to decide whether a move is good or not, so you'll catch more mistakes than yo…

Game analysis - Chess game analysis#5

Move 16, trading your powerful bishop for the opponent's knight, feels like the start of your problems. (Probably not surprising considering the computer analysis.) That bishop controls the long diago…

General Chess Discussion - What is flagging? and is it poor form?#9

If flagging was wrong we wouldn't use clocks, we'd all play Correspondence all the time. My personal take is, if the game is obviously drawn, you should accept the draw instead of trying to flag. But …

Game analysis - What did I do wrong in this game?#2

Dropped pieces mostly. Nxe5 was completely avoidable, and Rb5+ is suicide. Otherwise, you keep making exchanges that are giving the opponent tempo. 8.bxf4 develops White, 20.Rxd1 gives White the d fil…

General Chess Discussion - Openings#2

Don't you know it's rude to ask an opening their win percentage?

Game analysis - I beat an FM by resignation!#7

Very confusing. That's a clear win for Black, they're up a full rook after cxd6. Wonder why they resigned.

General Chess Discussion - What do you do when you get mad after losing#16

I have a cheap plastic shelf that I can kick apart. I try to remember to clear it first.

General Chess Discussion - Oh no, I resigned while being +5 !#9

Never resign on the opponent's turn. At least wait for them to prove they can do it. I've won a number of games where I gave the opponent checkmate and they didn't catch it.

Game analysis - Counterintuitive move by Paul Morphy ( at least for me )#4

White's e pawn is keeping the dark square bishop contained, and Black's f pawn is locking up their rook. exf6 breaks up the pawn wall, allows both Black's bishop and rook to get some traction, and giv…
