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19 forum posts
Game analysis - Post your blunders#16

Here's a lesson on how to make your king disappear. Don't play around with your opponent on low time controls.

General Chess Discussion - Okay, what's the least amount of material required to mate a lone king in mid-board?#4 By my estimate, 7 pawns will be the least amount of material point wise.

General Chess Discussion - Why would most players hesitate to trade a queen for a rook+minor piece?#2

Queens are generally annoying and can keep drawing or even winning chances on the board if the opponent has one other minor piece. In a game I played a few days ago,…

Lichess Feedback - Rule error#5

If your King is on h1, knight on h2. and opponent's king is on f2 and places his bishop on g2, it's checkmate.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle points review #4

You may not get a second try in game, but reviewing the position and finding better moves after the fact is a learning process. It's arguably better than just losing a game or puzzle, forgetting about…

Lichess Feedback - Time out but opponent had no way to mate me#2

Like this. [FEN "8/7k/7P/4K1n1/8/8/8/8 w KQkq -"] 1. Kd6 Kg6 2. Ke7 Kf5 3. Kf8 Kf6 4. Kg8 Ke7 5. Kh8 Kf8 6. h7 Nf7#

General Chess Discussion - Chess Variant #2 "The Bitch from Hell"#5

One variation I used to play was basically chess except the kings were not allowed to move. We called it statue chess, and it was really interesting trying to find ways to attack the e8 square without…

Lichess Feedback - Love for Lichess#5

Me 5

General Chess Discussion - advices for beginner?#2

Play openings you like and focus on creating plans in middle game and endgame. Try to see if your opponent's moves mess with that plan and adapt accordingly. Even if the openings you like playing are …
