
Which God do you like? (Hindu Edition)

I know next to nothing about hindu gods, but I know one interesting thing, about Ganesha.
At least, I think I do.

He's the son of Shiva and Parvati, and he lost his head at birth, due to an evil demon's gaze, after which Vishnu gave him the head of Indra's elephant, Airavati.
But Ganesh, the god of wisdom, is called Ganesh, and not Airavati.
Hence, wisdom is seated in the body, not the head.

How bout them enchiladas?
The one who is strong
The one who can change his size
A monkey and mancombination which is known as ( vanar)
Who is still alive as he was invincible

All that is -the mighty Anjani putra Hanuman
All right, I'm going to go on a mini religion rant. Why do we have to divide god. Does it matter what god someone believes in. Every god says the same things, don't be a jerk. Does it matter if you call god Jesus or Allah or Brahma or Shiva or Waheguru or anything for that matter. Heck, if I get my idea of what being a good human is from a dog, then why can't I consider that dog to be god. Isn't that what god teaches us, how to be a good human. The idea of religion is to unite us, not separate us. It teaches us to love each other. Every group has extremist, but that doesn't make the whole group bad. Posts like these spread the idea that we are different, but that's not true. It doesn't matter if you read the Quran or the Bible, they both teach you the same basic concepts. So please, stop with posts like these. All gods are great, they all teach us to be good human and not differentiate. So if you like whatever god you believe in, please stop dividing humans into religions.
Actually, my religion has had quite a few wars trying to impose different values on other religions, or to prevent the spread of the values of other religions. Mainly the Muslims.

I do agree it’s not a great idea for a thread— I respect Indian gods about as much as I respect the Kardashians, and could quite easily use this topic to shred them. This would cause a lot of ire, I’d imagine, encouraging people to insult MY God, and leading to consternation.

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