
Is it possible to get a CM title in two years?

Maybe. But to do this, you will need to study many classical games (and/or books on chess strategy), build and study an opening repertoire, know the basics of the endgame and have appropriate tactical training. Tactics will not be so important if you choose calm options and play positionally. Well, the presence of computers (preferably productive ones), chess programs and databases also matters. If you have free time, correctly selected material and excellent memory, it is quite possible to become a candidate master in 2 years. I advise you to read the article by Fernand Gobet et al. Training in chess: A scientific approach and Cognitive processes and development of chess genius: An integrative approach M. Campitelli, G., Gobet, F., & Bilalić.
Play less bullet and solve more puzzles.
Why is every "nobody" giving advice here ? Most people giving advice in this thread are rated below 2000 by fide in classical.
And even less have a title. Why are you giving advice about what you did not achieve ?
I was a candidate for master for a child. And he confirmed this discharge several times. I did not become a candidate master in two years, but in the USSR in the early 70s it was almost impossible if I was not part of the team of promising players. But I received 1st category at the age of 13 after a year of classes. My rating in classics was over 2000 (2127) until October 2008. In old age, it’s harder to play faces, and especially a bullet, especially since tactics and calculation of options have always been my weak point. And I didn’t really give any advice, I just recommended that you read two scientific articles that were the result of many years of research, and one of their authors is a chess master.
@HPC10411038 said in #43:
> Why is every "nobody" giving advice here ? Most people giving advice in this thread are rated below 2000 by fide in classical.
> And even less have a title. Why are you giving advice about what you did not achieve ?

complete it yourself if you are that competent. at least, most of those talking here have already beaten players with CM titles or higher several times. the only question is how long it takes to get to that title.
He asked: "Is it possible ...."
He has not asked: "How to do it ..."

When you have chess playing persons in your family,
when there are one or two strong chess clubs in your town,
when you are young enough,
when you have enough time for it,
when you love to play chess,
when you have no other hobbies,

Then it will be an easy task for you. ;)

Most of us can give you hints for the first steps but not for all steps.

How many games have you played before the age of ten?
How many chess books have you read?
Have you already read a book about the endgame in chess?
How many videos about chess have you seen?
How often had another player told you your mistakes in your game?

You asked not for playing strong like an IM. You asked for a titel.

Most of us will know how difficult this will be.
It depends on your age, your country and different things. In 2 years it seems difficult to me to achieve it, but in the longer term it seems very possible to me. In the end, the title CM can be achieved by a normal player, and even that of FM. Good luck!
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@Nomol said in #1:
> Could I get the CM title by the end of 2025 (With the current rating that is)? Is it possible to even go further or is it unlikely? How much I'm expected to be dedicated to meet the expectations? Just approximately and in average, not something so specific.

Of course it is possible, but it depends on how much work you are willing to put in, and whether you are using the correct learning resources. You will have to spend considerable amount of time on chess, to achieve it in that time space. Strictly speaking, from your age achieving the CM title in a lifetime is not difficult, provided you maintain constant work on the game, even if you don't dedicate your life to it, but to do it in 2 years will require a lot of time and effort.

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