
Finally 2300 rapid.

hehe @Love_chess06
Actually, every day you have played great! Although I saw you at 2200+ rapid rating sometimes, no matter rating increased or decreased, you have the experience of playing with your levelled player that time and increased to 2300+ rapid rating!
So why not you do the same thing, continue playing chess with 2300+ rapid rating players and gain experience and rating increased to 2400+?
Don't be scared or sad even you lost to 2300+ rapid rating players. Remember, you are gaining knowledge and experience day by day.
I am counting on you. Hope you can be IM in the future
Regards, @Capta1n_Amer1ca
yeah my friend, thank you for support me this few days ! i will target Cm as my future , i will play hard to represent malaysia . Thanks for your suggest !
@Love_chess06 it depends on where your current strength lies in. If you are very good at attacking chess, practice endgames. If you lack opening knowledge do that. There is always an area to improve on. I personally think at our strength it is a good practice starting to play the Smith Morra Gambit and getting a win out of it. It requires very unusual sacrifices and deep calculation every single game.
@weisserpfeffer okkay now am at the 2300 level, i will find openning which are suitable for me. as u say that smith morra gambit is suitable for u :)
I will deep analysis all openning i play, thanks for your suggeat good luck for u too!
hmm, you might improve with some defence planning.

Look at this game.
if you play Qg7 instead of qe7. although preferred move from Stockfish.

Plan is very simple. You do not take the pawn on h7, you have g6 your weakest point 3x defended. You protect the black squares with your queen.
you just have to develop the rest of the board and win with piece up. Instead you walk the thin red line with taking the pawn on h7.
Hey there! Congrats on reaching 2300 rapid! Great job :D
You can try to improve more by doing a lot of puzzles and puzzle streak, and lichess will tell you where you are weak in the puzzle dashboard. And you can select that puzzle format and try to do more puzzles in it. It will be very helpful.


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