
Bug or feature? Possible training cheat

Note that all I pointed out was that anyone can run up their training rating as high as they want without actually doing anything. If that's the design as intended, so be it.
Hi @pisquared !
You are right about the false ratings in the puzzles.
But this is just a training feature! The ratings don't mean anything , they are just informative. We have the right to practice in anyway we want. They could even delete all the ratings in the practice , it wouldn't be a problem!
Whoever cheats , cheats only himself!!
#11 That could as easily (but not as conveniently) be done using Pocket Fritz, but thanks for letting us know.

Given that we used to mask the game URL but now feature it, I speculate (but can neither confirm nor deny) the change was deliberate. Thankfully there's no puzzle rating leaderboard and even were someone to cheat on puzzles, effect on other solvers would be minimal.
I agree with @FatesWarning (#12).

We're talking about training. There's no competition. No leaderboard.

The puzzle rating is concealed, so you don't get influenced by the position difficulty. Seeing the rating on the puzzle page itself would be a tell and would go in the way of efficient training.

However, if one wants to cheat in their training, yes, they can go to the game, and enable stockfish. I will not move a finger against that.

The point is, if you cheat in a game, you're harming your opponent. If you cheat in training, well, it's a crime without a victim. So, not a crime at all. Is it silly? Yes. Do we need to prevent it? No. I won't even try!

Dear training cheaters, have your fun. Nobody gives a damn :)

While you're at it, you can go read about the ending of a movie before watching it.
The rating is *almost* concealed. If I see a puzzle with only a few hundred attempts, it's almost surely around 2500. If it's got 2000 or so attempts, more likely 2000-2200. The number of attempts is a pretty clear indicator of what may be involved. On my iPad, it doesn't show the number of attempts, which I'd prefer. Can it only be shown after you solve it?
please make the puzzle page just a black and white picture of the puzzle on a white empty html page (dont even align the picture)

and when the page loads ask the user if he wants to download and install a trojan that when a puzzle page is loaded plus 24 hours (just to be sure), it will keep the user's CPU and RAM usage on 100% so that he cant run cheating programs

but there is more, after 10 seconds of the puzzle page having been loaded, ddos his router!! or he might use other devices to cheat!!

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