
am i in the twilight zone?

oh man, in game 1, move 11 i blocked the queen trade to exploit the pin on the dark sqaure bishop to follow that up with a skewer between the queen and mate. that's a cool idea, part of why i win 1/4 games against opponents over 2000. the other reason is they're just bots. ok, some good advice, but i solve 2000+ rated puzzles an 5-10 seconds and can bat stockfish
just to wrap up this nightmarish topic: i just played a bullet arena, checked 5 games 2 of which i won, my opponents had 7 blunders (one piece blundered, the rest pawns) combined in 175 moves, one was rated over 1650. that's every time i play on lichess, i play some stockfish bot every time.

i blundered one piece in those 175 moves, also
Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you play vs. human or a bot.
What matters is the moves!

You have to read the chess board and try to understand the moves.
Than you have to respond according to what the position demands.

I doesn’t matter if you play against a Grand Master or a Total Beginner.
If they play bad moves, they will be beaten!

Chess is an unforgiving & unbiased game.
Anyone can be beaten on any given day.
@X_Player_J_X said in #9:
> These unnecessary sacrifice don’t help you win because you are already Winning.
> All these sacrifices do is help your opponent Change the course of the game into their favor.
> Your trying to show off, but your doing it in the wrong way.

Informative response, although I think he probably isnt sure in the endgame so he needs to train that also!

@StickyGambits train your endgames!
@X_Player_J_X said in #13:
> Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you play vs. human or a bot.
> What matters is the moves!
> You have to read the chess board and try to understand the moves.
> Than you have to respond according to what the position demands.
> I doesn’t matter if you play against a Grand Master or a Total Beginner.
> If they play bad moves, they will be beaten!
> Chess is an unforgiving & unbiased game.
> Anyone can be beaten on any given day.

i didn't play bad moves, my end game training is ahead of some areas (2400), i'm not playing bots on purpose, that's the point. i think i have been flagged because i'm extremely accurate

your response was good for a less advanced player, but i'm very very advanced.

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