
My 10 year old son has been unfairly banned from Lichess. What to do?

My son Fahad is 10 years old and is a passionate chess player. He was playing in Premiere chess academy tournament. Won 10 out of 10 games and was rated first at his level. He was so excited to play the quarter finals but we just found today that his account has been banned and he is disqualified to play further. He is really demoralised. I have sent several messages to the moderator through appeal section but no response. His coach has also sent a message to Lichess but no response. I am really disappointed to see no response which is causing my son to loose interest in chess. Today was the first day he told me he don't want to attend his chess class because he was so disheartened. What can I do to reactivate his account so he can play quarter finals starting in 12 hours. He is really talented and I know he didn't get any external help.

Fahad's Dad (Dallas, TX)
Use this to teach him an important lesson on not cheating. And he almost certainly cheated.
Nice try..... but next time find a better excuse, cause this one is overused....
Like a déjà vu, I read a very similar thread on Reddit last night, and it turns out the son was cheating after all. This was after weeks of back-and-forth fights with moderators (from another site).
Signed Fahed's Dad ?? Loose instead of ;ose . I think this Post MAY have been written by the 10 year old ... Vioated TOS says the AUTHOR of this POST AS WELL @FahadChess123 who AUTHORED this post no ? Anyway it's a 10 year old so don't want to guess too much but if something was detected then he did what he did . Also the kid needs to have his parents be present so we KNOW if this POST was written by them via' video chat . Help this world if the youth cheat at Chess hopefully
@Sarg0n said in #9:
> Pretty high acc., pretty similar move times ... I have seen enough.

I don't think that the black cheated, but it indeed seemed strange which the player had a rating with 1400s.

10... h6? A useless pawn? And at that position, we can see that white clearly is initiative.

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