
How is this position not insufficient material?

I just had this 3+0 game where I ran out of time with the end position being the opponent having only a king and a bishop and me having 2 pawns and a queen and king. I thought it would be a draw cuz of insufficient material? but apparently its not. Can someone pls tell me how black can possibly checkmate me here. Thanks in advance.
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You know, I've never seen a thread about the insufficient material system where the poster's opponent is the one who ran out of time. How odd.
You can mate with a bishop/knight and king, as long as there are other pieces on the board. For example, Black's king is on g6, your king is on h8; there is a knight on g8; Bg7 would be mate.

Not saying that we would let ourselves get self-mated, but there is always that possibility
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When you knew you were nearly out of time you should have sacrificed the queen for the bishop near the end to guarantee the draw.

It's still technically won for white with the two pawns but you'll never finish it on time.

Of course in future you can just always play with increment. Then you won't need to do such drastic things.
Increment goes against the point of rapid/blitz IMO. People need to use their time sparingly throughout the game, otherwise we should all just play 2 hour for the first 40 moves like the world chess championship, and people are still asking for increment before move 60. Lol

Increment never makes the game better, it just slows everyone down and prevents you from learning to manage the clock.
ah thank you for responding everyone.Also i like to play without increment because i love the rush you get when playing on low time.

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