
Lichess points. please add to the idea, I made this to help improvise and make it better

I wish we had lichess points and everytime we win a game we get some points.( if you lose do not lose points but you might get some cause points will be awarded based on how well you played and you get a bonus if win) Points can be used to buy flairs, allow a change of username, put or change your profile pic, buy some custom setting for boards ad pieces and maybe even buy some Lichess merch. Also it won't cost anything to play a game of chess or a variant. I feel like is lichess's biggest competition and if lichess adds this then they could easily beat . Please add some ideas for this in the comments so we can make it better.

guys I know some of you may point out mistakes in the idea but I want people to help improvise and make it better, not to critisize me
Ummm... isn't this another of the same topic?

P.S, we weren't criticizing you, sorry if you thought so
Also, if you don’t want constructive criticism, you shouldn’t use the forum
Between lichess and, it is not really a competition... I doesn't really matter which site is larger, just that Lichess is good :) The points idea may be a cool addition if the points didn't mean anything, but it seems like you would be puting things people can already do anytime they like behind a wall for no reason. Lets just have everything, for everyone, for free, like we have now. It is the better system.
Lichess good already has a lot of features and new stuff, but I feel like it's way too cluttered and not simple and easy to play on like Lichess.
Those are interesting ideas, but let's just keep it nice and simple, with everyone being able to do everything.
#1 Lichess already does something like this and I dislike it: tournaments cannot be played and forums cannot be used unless you have already played a number of games.

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