
[Sugestion] Lichess Mobile

I really like studying openings, whenever I can I do it. I spend a lot of time practicing funny openings in Analysis Board, like Jerome Gambit, Fried Liver Attack, Halloween Gambit (Müller–Schulze Gambit) and even some variations of Ruy Lopez, but I also enjoy learn new openings, whenever I can I try to "discover" (without look in books) some openings.

I am aware of how many updates Lichess Mobile is having, and here is my suggestion: when playing in Lichess Mobile's Analysis Board, when you make a move there's a text telling from where it belongs and his name. Like in website, B00 King's Pawn 1.e.

50% of my time I am not at home and 90% of my time I am with my mobile near to me (yes, even when sleeping).

I would really appreciate it if this happens.

Sorry for any errors in my english.

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