
Bug in study comments

Hello! I love the study feature and use it constantly. I've noticed a small bug which can be quite annoying. I think I've determined the conditions to replicate it, but it may appear under other circumstances.

Basically, the bug is:
(1) I write a comment on a move (say on 2...Nc6)
(2) I make the next move on the board (say 3.Bb5, or even several more moves)
(3) The comment box still says "commenting position after 2...Nc6" and shows my original comment, when it should say "commenting position after 3.Bb5" with a blank box. In order to get the correct comment box to show, I have to click out of the comment box and use arrow keys or the mouse to go to a different move, then back to 3.Bb5, after which the comment box shows correctly.

Note that this ONLY occurs when I've clicked on the opening explorer and tablebase. It doesn't seem to be a problem if the opening explorer hasn't been opened.

Please let me know if you have trouble replicating it or I can give a more detailed example. Thanks!

Edit: actually this bug may also occur under other circumstances. I've been playing around a bit and I'm running into the issue even without having used the opening explorer.
I've been having this bug for a long time, and another possibly related one: The comment box shows the right move, but inserts the comment in the wrong chapter of the study, possibly overwriting what was already there.
This happens after commenting a move, leaving the comment box open then switching chapters, scrolling through the moves and attempting to comment the newly selected move.
To comment correctly in this case, I need to close then reopen the comment box.

I'm not sure if the bugs are related. I use Firefox (56 and 57/Quantum) on Linux and Windows.

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