
Lichess and Chess com's anti-cheat efforts remain a total and complete joke.

online chess in general is a joke. what are you worried about a few bots for. taking this site and game serious when theres no way to enforce proper etiquette is a fools errand~
These type of threads are really annoying to be honest. Usually they end up attracting conspiracy theorists, paranoid people and trolls. And then get closed because people start bickering with each other.

So please mind your language, respect your fellow players. Once again, paranoia isn't healthy and if you wish to report someone forums and chats are not the proper place for this stuff, please use instead.
I've always been of the opinion that people are more likely to cheat in blitz, rapid and classical than in bullet.
That's why I only play bullet online, and play classical games offline.

It's just too easy to cheat at slower time controls.
@bufferunderrun when is paranoid mass-public shaming included in forum etiquette? When will people finally get instant warnings and mutes for it?
@EloDecline said in #1:
> Online chess probably has the highest level of cheating than any other major online game.

Hi Vlad! Nice to see u here - NOT!
Its an online game people. Its well known people (some) cheat when they think they can get away with it.
But I'm curious why should you be the exception they don't cheat on?
I'm not sure but its was a Blitz or Bullet game (which must have a lot of cheaters)
@DanB123456 said in #11:
> online chess in general is a joke. what are you worried about a few bots for. taking this site and game serious when theres no way to enforce proper etiquette is a fools errand~

how many people on this forum are robots? none. it's like a paranoia, Lichess takes enough measures to fight cheating even if there is still a tiny percentage of cheaters.

Cheat is not representative of the online chess community, and fortunately so. Despite the popularity of chess around the world, the fact that there is no rapid outpouring of violent emotion like you can get in COD or WoT makes chess relatively safe compared to the rest.

enough on this forum
Playing chess online on any site, of course, you will encounter cheats!
By playing as part of a Lichess team, and by making the effort to get known and trusted within the team, you will meet others who enjoy playing chess with team members who share the same play fair values.
It's not perfect, but, it's by far, a better and more enjoyable experience.
If neither Lichess and chesscom ban the players you report there might be an alternative reason why.
@Cedur216 said in #14:
> @bufferunderrun when is paranoid mass-public shaming included in forum etiquette? When will people finally get instant warnings and mutes for it?
Banning fro mass-public shaming would just lead mass "they hiding the problem and preventing discussion about it" posts.
there are cheater quite a few are caught. But more prevalent issue is laud but small group of people who think that almost they losses are due to cheaters. Some these playes even weaker than and absolutely no cheating is needed to beat me

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