
What am I missing about this game?

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When opponent plays e5 treat it like a caro kann but you get an extra tempo. So play c5, and never f6
People tend to get awfully philosophical about this kind of stuff and I never know what the heck they're saying.

It does at any rate look like an early ...f6 there loosens your position a bit much. So yeah, going for the ...c5 plan looks more natural.

Also, beware of "rules of thumb" about bad moves; they can blind you to full use of your resources. And after all, if the engine suggests it, it presumably is the top choice there. ;)
You can study specific nuances about the Scandinavian in which White plays e5 (plenty of videos on YT), but I can give you few general ideas, without looking at the engine.

-- f6 looks ugly indeed. The main reason why Nh6 becomes an option is that you played f6 in that situation.

-- I dislike g6+e6 as well. You almost never want a motif with the bishop on f5 and pawns on both g6 and e6. That bishop looks stuck. I believe that the rule of thumb is to choose one of the two plans, depending on what you want to do with the dark bishop, and avoid going with both of them.

-- b5 is pretty much the reason you lost. If you castle long, you rather want to push the king side pawns. Here, in response, they simply retracted the bishop and then pushed a4, and you were in trouble.

-- you should have probably predicted Bb5. Maybe a profilactic a6 could be an option if you want to castle long.
4. I hate f6. f pawn moves badly weaken your king position, you have to really know what you're doing with those.

Do you know WHY Nh6 is a bad move by rule of thumb? It's because it limits your options and makes it difficult for the piece to get around the board. But look at your position here; the knight is going to struggle to get around no matter where you put it. On h6 it will have access to the f5 square once the bishop moves to e4. Its only other option is e7, and that also only gets you the f5 square.

b5 is much too aggressive; you're throwing away your king safety. That's often worth more than a piece, which you're not winning anyway.

15. Rhf8, allowing axb5. Your king is weak, you can't allow White to get an open rook file. You need to push the be pawn past their a pawn, make them hit it with c if they want. It gets you space for your knight and makes them attack down your strongest file.

17. Nf5 is too slow to solve the problem of your smothered king. Nb8 is maybe your only move, opening up c6 for your queen to get off d7 and let your king get away, and keeping that pawn alive so White's queen can't come in. Bxb5 would be crushing.

So, yeah, the beginning and end of the game were defined by a lack of respect for king safety. The king is the only piece on the board that actually matters, protect it like it is.

First expecting others to analyze a game for langer than the 3 minutes you played it seems Kind if rude.

If you know that entropy increases with space, do you think you make it harder or easier for your opponent when you play the oil sardines in a can set up?

The computer eval seems to be spot on.

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