
Celebration thread

Put your chess achievements in the replies

I finally hit 2000 in bullet today after grinding every day for 4.5 years, almost all of which stuck between the 1800-1820 plateau, I finally hit what was basically my goal in life.

My excitement began yesterday when I went above 1900, which is pretty rare for me, it only happens when I'm super alert, lucky, well-rested, caffeinated, etc. I also had a lucky steal vs an IM. This by itself already had me filled with hope and then today I just kept climbing, 1920...1930. I tremble vs the 1930+ players, but for some reason I was cruising through everyone. This *never* happens, no matter how many tactics puzzles, chess studies, engine analysis I do, or chess youtubers I watch, no matter how much I grind tournaments, sleep, or focus. I got a couple more lucky wins today and approached my previous all time high of 1955 (established waaaay back on 2 august 2021, so almost 3 years of endless stagnation and plateauing; I was definitely growing tired and frustrated). Unbelievably I broke it, so I was already super satisfied to finally make progress again. I tried to stay calm and reasonable, yet of course couldn't help but think: how much higher could I go? 2000 had been a giant goal since I was a 1000. It always seemed so elusive to me, I know it's still nothing in the grand scheme of things compared to many other players, but it was a goal I set for myself to achieve in the next 10, 20 years of my life. Extreme nerves set in as I pushed 1960, 1970. Could I do it once and for all? I don't have any other big chess goals to be honest. This is really me playing at my best ever, probably for a long time in the future too. Could I be done with it now? I put off a lot of important real life responsibilities to reach this goal. I realized I really needed to do it now because opportunities like this, when I'm feeling this sharp, come about so rarely. Now or never. 1998... one more game against someone almost 100 points higher rated. I envisioned myself falling all the way back down to 1800 and being years away from the goal again. Focus. I got a losing position. My strategy was to just flag— I was too panicked to think about mating. One more final stroke of luck and then: his clock flagged; 1998+6 = 2004... GGs all

p.s. Bullet has always been my preferred time control. The 2000 bullet goal as opposed to the "serious" time controls was what I valued most because it was achievable, and I found the journey itself is addicting. I told myself I'd quit to focus on real life stuff more after reaching 2000 in bullet, although I am basically unironically addicted at this point, so I'll see how that goes. I will inevitably fall way back down to the 1700s when I return because I'm definitely peaking right now.

p.p.s. red and near infrared light therapy on my brain and eyes helped my chess a lot, and 1 hour+ long cardio training
I've won the top500 marathon trophy in August.

Related to everything else, i don't like to speak about rating, I'm just an amateur who play for the pleasure.
@MohammadAayanKhan said in #3:
> #2
> 'Just an amateur'
> '2300 bullet rating, 2100 blitz rating, 56k tournament points'

chess is not my job, I am not professional. so I'm an amateur
Congratulations - you had quite the journey!

I can’t think of any notable achievements off the top of my head but I seem to get lucky a lot and get paired with very generous opponents who donate ratings to me whenever my blitz rating falls below 2000. I appreciate my opponents for letting me win even when I play puke inducing chess.
Yo I also just got 1.5K bullet rating today. I only just (re)started my interest in chess during the pandemic with an initial rating of about 900-1K, tried to learn the game and a couple of openings and been playing few minutes almost every day.

Congratulations on everyone achieving their goals!

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