
Is chess a real sport?

Spelling bee was on espn so chess is a sport as well. Physical exertion of your brain. Chess needs support and not people cutting it down. Kinda funny, sad and ironic that some of the ranked and frequent players from lichess are chess’s worst supporters! Internet news was talking about how the Russian chess tournament was the only major sport still being played during the start of the covid19 outbreak.
@Rarelyadraw "Kinda funny, sad and ironic that some of the ranked and frequent players from lichess are chess’s worst supporters"

So what? There are people who do a lot of work for their local chess club and still don't consider chess a sport.
Supporting chess and thinking chess is a sport a two different things.

While art has no objective criteria for what is considered art, sport does. I play, practice and love chess and do a lot for my local chess club, but I don't think it is a sport.
Increasing the popularity of chess is important. Chess as a top tier sport would help bring more students to the game. Media attention is important. Chess clubs would become more popular. Other esports dwarf the amount of views that chess gets!
Yes, chess is objectively an athletic sport because it has been recognized as such by the authority of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). If you play chess then it means you are an athlete just like Usain Bolt.
This is a pointless argument that won't get anywhere, I'm unsubscribing.

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