
Sensitive reason to change login name

Dear Lichess Support,

I know your rules about name changing.
But I have very sensitive reason to change it.
The thing is my name "EbashuSashu" is a kind of abusive language in Russua.
It was created just for fun and means "I am fu**ing up Sasha".
Because Sasha is my friend and once he asked me to register at Lichess to have a several games with him.
I even don't remember who won that match, but inappropriate nickname follows me from that moment.
And now, as I started to play regularly It brings me many difficulties. I even can't share games to my relatives because they will be shocked about my nickname.

If changing name is possible in this situation, please let me know, and I'll will choose new nicest one
As far as I know, changing name is not permitted in Lichess. However, you can create a new account with a good username.
Good name, funny. If I were you, I would continue playing on this account instead of asking to make another one. Changing names, as AmolGreat told you, "is not permitted".

Your account is inappropriate and will be closed. Feel free to create a new one (with a decent username) using a different email.

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