
How I beat a 2300 at hyperbullet in 11 moves

This is not the right place for this. This should go in the game analysis section since that is where this is for. This is the off-topic section.
And I beated LM LuckyRiver in 17 moves at hyperbullet but on my second account @IamRudra the game link in his biography.
Reminds me of the old joke:

I beat a chess grandmaster in only five moves - turns out he's pretty bad at karate!

" It's a long, long road. "

( The Hollies ).

It appears that real life contains many more options than chess.
I play chess in order to avoid...
You know ?
Sometimes I remember John Fotzgerald Kennedy and...
Uff !
My head is not a trophy !

What do I want to avoid ?

That's the question.
To be, or not to be ?
And when you really are, then Bang, Bang !

Bang, Bang !

Love shack, baby. B'52's theme, oh ! For Heaven's sake, I was so frightened !

But what does it mean, to be ?
Well, it involves several aspects, such as:

a ) To do.
b ) To perform.
c ) To quit, whenever my job demands too much attention.
d ) To understand that my job isn't me !
e ) Because I was first.

O. K., I was first, at what ? Bang, Bang ! So I was by the side of Clont Eastwood, then.
What's the problem with that ?
John Fotzgerald Kennedy, John Lonnon, Martin Lother King...

Jesus of Nozareth.

Benazor Bhutto.

Your job isn't the real gift; I mean: You are a gift, already ! So...
Temperance ! Don't enter a high school class-room and shoot 15 youngsters, because you believe that you are what you do, and also, that you must do always, what you're told to !

What you're told to, by whom ?
By Oh well, ensembled Gugu ?

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