
Fuel shortages , the latest brexit dividend

@twighead said in #50:
> Only difference is we don't have a bunch of people trying to politicize it as "OMG BREXIT!!1!"

Well it has been all over the UK, for several days, and Boris is offering visas to HGV drivers to make them come back.

But yeah "only difference".
mind you it did stop repeats of the previous posts , so now we can keep on topic ,
i was still in school in 79 , when the govt deployed army vehicles to address the firemen going out on strike in "the winter of discontent" the vehicles were called green goddesses , nice name
so whats that blast from the past got to do with today ?
yep youve guessed it clever reader , the govt are now thinking of getting the army to fill the gap left by lack of hgv drivers ,
but this will take time perhaps as much as a month to put in place , in the meantime im seeing drivers queing up at garages to stockpile on fuel , as folk prepare for the worst ,
now regardless of whether you back /backed leaving the eu or not , if you live in the uk , this will affect you ,
its clear to see this consequence of brexit is causing crisis and shortage afer crisis and shortage , and it is us who are going to feel it
me i say the govt have to go to the country and face the voters and if that means they lose power so be it , the same thing happened in 79 , it caused a general election and the govt changed (for the worse , maggie thatcher got in )
but if it was good enough for the tories in 79 , then it should be the same thing again in this present winter of discontent ,

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