
For Only me is Lichess Is laggy!?

I have seen for a few days that lichess is showing that I am laggy hard(2000ms) or just refuse to show my ping (

where I am connected to pretty good internet(in my sense) with up to a speed of 80-100 Mbps which will give my ping around 140-200ms

+ now when I am trying to play some games it just aborted it as it was showing that I am reconnecting... my only worry is that

lichess might ban me for aborting too many where I am not aborting a single one

am I the only one who is experiencing this??

sidequestion---- how can i reduce my lag?
@RandomPlanet said in #1:
> I have seen for a few days that lichess is showing that I am laggy hard(2000ms) or just refuse to show my ping (
> where I am connected to pretty good internet(in my sense) with up to a speed of 80-100 Mbps which will give my ping around 140-200ms
> + now when I am trying to play some games it just aborted it as it was showing that I am reconnecting... my only worry is that
> lichess might ban me for aborting too many where I am not aborting a single one
> am I the only one who is experiencing this??
> sidequestion---- how can i reduce my lag?

Might just be you very hard to tell with internet problems

but you side question the only way to reduce your lag is to live close to the servers
or make light go faster
love to have a lichess MOD or someone from Lichess Team give his opinion regarding this issue

especially about this

"+ now when I am trying to play some games it just aborted it as it was showing that I am reconnecting... my only worry is that

lichess might ban me for aborting too many where I am not aborting a single one"
@RandomPlanet said in #1:
> I have seen for a few days that lichess is showing that I am laggy hard(2000ms) or just refuse to show my ping (
> where I am connected to pretty good internet(in my sense) with up to a speed of 80-100 Mbps which will give my ping around 140-200ms
> + now when I am trying to play some games it just aborted it as it was showing that I am reconnecting... my only worry is that
> lichess might ban me for aborting too many where I am not aborting a single one
> am I the only one who is experiencing this??
> sidequestion---- how can i reduce my lag?
It also depends in which country you are living. If that country is near France then the network speed is better.
you're not the only one! I've had lag at 1500ms. I just stop playing until my ping reach 400ms. And I'm in Australia, but my reception is not that great. I'm always curious about other people average ping. I know pro-gamers must have under 100ms? it's very hard to play in bullet tournaments.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #3:

> but you side question the only way to reduce your lag is to live close to the servers
> or make light go faster

Uh... this is wrong and indicates a limited understanding. I wouldn't call you out, but I've seen similar misinformation given here multiple times and it's often then accepted and parroted by others.

Your location and the speed of light (used here as a stand in for "signal velocity") only govern your *minimum* lag. If that's all that mattered, my lag from the east coast of the US to France would be about 20ms give or take. My actual lag is usually between 120-180ms. The route your packets take and the ability of the nodes along it to handle their current traffic load matter far more than your location and the speed of light.

A real-life practical answer to the question of how to reduce lag: Change your route. (E.g. try using your phone as a hotspot or try connecting through a VPN.) You may (or may not) see an improvement. There aren't any guarantees, but it is sometimes worth a shot.

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