
I dont understand?

look at my profile. look at my games. Why have i been marked for computer assistance when i have not cheated? Not a single one of my games is that good... Could you guys give insight to how lichess got this deduction?
i honestly would really appreciate if you guys could help me out because i cant understand what happened

You started today rated 1797 classical. You went on to win almost all of your subsequent games against strong players until your rating had reached a dizzying 2063.

Huge progress over a nine hour period , don't you think.

Are you having a laugh?

Using computer assistance is unfair and spoils the enjoyment for other players.

@idontevenknow It's possible (but not likely) a mistake was made and you don't cheat. I suggest contact lichess at

Another idea is close your account and then open a new account. Just know you can't get away with cheating at this place. If you did cheat that's totally wrong and it's not allowed here.

I didn't look at all your games but the games I looked at you made mistakes. So perhaps there is a problem. Good luck sir.

I can't imagine anything more horrible than not being able to have a rating at lichess. Fortunately I'm not that kind of person. Besides being wrong, I could never get any satisfaction from winning I game I didn't earn.
I looked at 3 or so of your games and they didnt look like many cheaters I have seen. Lots of inaccuracies and mistakes according to the lichess engine. In a couple of the games it was just some random equal position and your opponent made a 5 pawn blunder giving the game away with no chance for recovery. Opponents make blunders and occasionally you take advantage of them. That's how chess works. Its not impossible you cheated or didn't but it is suspect to see someone gain that many rating in one day. Though from the games I seen it was just due to blunders ether in equalish positions or your opponents making random legal moves and you making better random legal moves.

The most suspect game I seen was your simul game. Making a draw from a worse

I would appeal the ban and ask for the benefit of the doubt. Not because I don't think you cheated. Just because I don't see how they can prove you cheat.
he's cheating in a very obvious way. setting the engine to play in idiot mode was a good try though
If engine plays idiot mode, then it should lose a lot more...

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