
Puzzles giving very little rating

I do a decent amount of puzzles and recently I noticed I am getting very few points for getting puzzles right (e.g 3) and the puzzles are similar rating to my puzzle rating. Today in particular I did a puzzle rated around 2250 and I am 2350, I got the puzzle right but I only got 1 rating, then straight after I got a puzzle rated 2350 wrong and went down 17 points. This has happened a lot recently so I would like to know what's going on I recently went down a lot of rating in puzzles so would like to go back up but it is taking extremely long to make any progress at all.
This has happened to me too but it depends on the theme of the puzzle. Doing a mate in 1 puzzle will obviously give less rating points than a mate in 5
Oh ok maybe that's it because I train using particular motifs. Good to know
Happens to everybody. And the higher you get, the worse it gets. Just think what I've gone through...
I believe they use the Glicko-2 system to assign and update puzzle ratings on Lichess. In addition to the posted ratings (yours and the puzzle's) the Glicko-2 system also relies on other (updated) parameters: the rating deviation and the rating volatility. These are hidden from us and the end result is something that is frustratingly unpredictable to the end user.
@Soundlad123 said in #1:
> I do a decent amount of puzzles and recently I noticed I am getting very few points for getting puzzles right (e.g 3) and the puzzles are similar rating to my puzzle rating. Today in particular I did a puzzle rated around 2250 and I am 2350, I got the puzzle right but I only got 1 rating, then straight after I got a puzzle rated 2350 wrong and went down 17 points. This has happened a lot recently so I would like to know what's going on I recently went down a lot of rating in puzzles so would like to go back up but it is taking extremely long to make any progress at all.
I know right? Sometimes when I get the daily puzzle wrong this is what happens:
Lichess: L you got it wrong
Me: Dang it
Lichess: -57 rating
It's done to ensure that the rating disparity doesn't widen between players.
At high rating, one would often get low increase on solving a puzzle correctly.
@Soundlad123 said in #3:
> Oh ok maybe that's it because I train using particular motifs. Good to know
that's the thing. If you select only particular 'motifs' and not the 'healthy mix', your rating won't get higher like as in the healthy mix(I have tried it, that's why)
@Soundlad123 said in #3:
> Oh ok maybe that's it because I train using particular motifs. Good to know
In that case you know what you are expecting so you have the advantage hence to nullify that, it's done!

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