
Closed account in leaderboard

In the racing kings leaderboard (top 10) there is a closed account. Isn't that supposed to be removed? Or is it only after specific time period?

P.S. I'm in 11th place so... :)

Edit: The closed account is on the leaderboard since yesterday (it was still closed yesterday)
Edit: The closed account is @KnightsPower2007
closed accounts are removed when the leaderboard is updated, not immediately after closure.
<Comment deleted by user>
@glbert he stated that it was closed since yesterday and the leaderboards update every 15 minutes
So, uh, can anyone try to fix it? Or at least is there a way for me to know if it is being dealt with?
@bijiy said in #5:
> @glbert he stated that it was closed since yesterday and the leaderboards update every 15 minutes

ah, i then it is probalby only closed, not tos marked. i would guess it will stay on the leaderboard until it does not fulfill the requirements anymore. so a week after the last rk game was played on the account.
Hello, the user status has been updated, in the future this should be more reliable.

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