
Antichess AI now on lichess

Unfortunately Stockfish dropped opening book support years ago (as did most engines) and standard practice has been for whatever software runs the engine to play opening moves on the engine's behalf.
Thanks guys, Toadofsky and updip.

I play many games (2+0) in a row against Stockfish level 8 last night and lost it all. So definitely it's powerful. In a few cases, it was a draw situation, which I ran outta time. I requested takebacks occasionally.

Yet, in my first game (unlimited game), combined with many takebacks, i defeated the engine with h3 (which is considered a very lost opening).
Thanks for the info.; still, unless the official Stockfish team reintroduces in-engine support for opening books (which would be hugely surprising) I can't embed openings into the engine itself.
can you in anyway teach it not to play b5, bxb5 bb7 against e3 ?
With slightly more thinking time it does not. It then usually plays 1...b5, 2...e6.

We can not directly teach it to play or avoid certain lines, but when tweaking the evaluation function, I could see that the opening moves also were improving a lot. So after some more improvements in the future, it might avoid this bad opening.
Thanks Lichess team for the anti support! A lot of players will be happy with the improvement. It can pick up even obscure losses, and plays fairly sound.

Its a great start and hopefully the engine will refine over time.

Thanks again!

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