
Improving at intermediate.

How best can i improve at my level? (1700). Do i continue with tactics or learn openings in depth? Or neither?
Stick to only a few openings that suit your style, and MASTER them.
Do a few tactics everyday and watch masters games (especially with your openings)
Hope you progress far in chess!
What really helped me is to play a lot of long games (at least 20 minutes per side) and talk to myself about which moves I'm planning to execute and their respective lines while playing, like how most chess youtubers do.

Openings in depth isn't really important at the intermediate level. You should familiarize yourself with the ideas behind the moves and the kinds of middlegames it leads to
I have seen this advice in many readings {Including Capablanca} You will not become a master...until you master endgame. Way back in 1972 when I still planned on becoming world chess champion...I started my endgame studies...but I never completed them. My years of play have given me a good understanding of endgame...but that lack of endgame mastery still bites me in the butt today. Still contributes to losing the "won" endgame. At the very least mastery of endgame will raise your level of play, to at least an expert rating. :]
Endgame!!!!!!! Also, really focusing on the safety of your pieces and not hanging any could help you get to about 2000 lichess strength.

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