
KotH Scheduling

NO MATCH, we had already agreed that the game time was on September 2 at 2:30 pm, I wrote him the challenge and until now 3:01 my opponent is not even connected. (Where the schedule was posted is #199) my oponent is @papapizza
@oruro i win for abandonment
@The_reverse_flash said in #211:
> NO MATCH, we had already agreed that the game time was on September 2 at 2:30 pm, I wrote him the challenge and until now 3:01 my opponent is not even connected. (Where the schedule was posted is #199) my oponent is @papapizza
> @oruro i win for abandonment
Sir you showed up 3 hours late as well
Round 3 Results:

Winners Bracket

@BlunderPandaZz vs @j_coca: 6-1
@RebelJohnny vs. @omicheldele: 6-0
@LudovicM59 vs. @PseudoBenko: LudovicM59 wins by forfeit
@VariantsOnly vs. @esn08: 6-0
@AnIndianChessplayer vs. @Dumbeldore: 6-1
@blitzbullet vs. @CyberShredder: 7-5
@LuukDeGrote vs. @agnivo: 6-4

Losers Bracket:

@Dharanish1320109 vs @sriramprasad: 6-2
@ThaiSeagull vs. @blindjagulep: Both players lost by forfeit
@e3Gewinnt vs. @bubb13tea: e3Gewinnt wins by forfeit
@manyamis_manyak vs. @Mike14Gr: manyamis_manyak wins by forfeit
@gbtami vs. @DrGrunkestein: 6-2
@Mate_on_f7 vs. @oruro: Mate_on_f7 wins by forfeit
@Drunken_Drongo vs. @JackSparrow-7777: 5-5-3.5
@diegodpchess01 vs. @Karl_RR: 6-2
@jean_val_jean vs. @e-pluszak: 5.5-2.5
@Kpisil vs. @werderfan: 6-1
@Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs. @WCIS-Ethan-House: Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 wins by forfeit
@SandiSladoledar vs. @AmolGreat: 7-5
@TheForkPower vs. @Vibranium18: 5.5-1.5
@ckassios4 vs. @Just-give-up: 6-4

Matches not yet complete that have been in contact with the Tournament Director:

@papapizza vs. @The_reverse_flash
@agg144 vs. @LaMarmota
@Tsilboy vs. @Agoodchessplayer
Round 4 Pairings:

Deadline: Saturday September 9

Winners Bracket

@BlunderPandaZz vs (waiting for @papapizza vs. @The_reverse_flash)
@RebelJohnny vs. @LudovicM59: schedule on wednesday, september 6 at 21:00 CEST
@VariantsOnly vs. @AnIndianChessplayer: Not yet schedule
@blitzbullet vs. @LuukDeGrote: schedule for Monday 15:00 UTC

Losers Bracket:

@Dharanish1320109 vs. @ThaiSeagull
@e3Gewinnt vs. (waiting for @agg144 vs. @LaMarmota)
@manyamis_manyak vs. @gbtami
@Mate_on_f7 vs. @Drunken_Drongo
@diegodpchess01 vs. @jean_val_jean
@Ksipil vs. (waiting for @Tsilboy vs. @Agoodchessplayer)
@Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs. @SandiSladoledar
@TheForkPower vs. @ckassios4

If any of the players here listed have problem to complete the match before the deadline, please let us know in advance.
Some people wrote to me saying that we should post some important information about the scheduling process and how to deal with some possible problems.

I want to remind everyone that all the information is on:

Page 5: Post #41
Page 11: Post #106
Page 22: Next post

Not reading the post or having a problem to post in public is not an excuse not to schedule a match.

You always have the possibility to contact the tournament directors (@oruro @PepsiNGaming)

Since the information start to fall behind the pages of the forum I resend this message here.

This next information is meant to clarified and try to have a better tournament for everyone:

The tournament is meant to be play ONE ROUND PER WEEK. For the general schedule of the tournament see the previous post.

We understand that many of us have other preoccupations, but we also reiterate that matches tend to last around 90 minutes. Given that this should not be a major impediment, we expect that people who register for the tournament will find a way to fit this into their schedules, barring extraordinary circumstances.

Some possible situations could arise during the tournament and will be treated as follows:

1. An opponent does not respond at all during the week of the round.

If after the deadline (every Saturday) a player does not respond any message, the opponent will be declaring the winner of the match. We do ask that you let us know if you are having difficulties communicating before the end of the deadline, however.

2. My opponent does not receive direct messages:

In this case, let us know early on that your opponent has messaging turned off. We will do our best to contact them and resolve the issue. In the event that all efforts fail, the player that has turned off communications will be forfeited.

3. My opponent does not have time in their schedule and thus cannot play.

If a player for different reasons is not going to be able to play the match is his responsibility to inform the arbiters (PepsiNGaming or Oruro) about possible conflicts.
This information has to be sent before Wednesdays. Any petition for a match extension will be ignored if posted after said deadline.

In the event that this does not work and someone is unable to accommodate the other, the arbiters get to decide whether an extension is the proper means to address the scenario.

But by the Deadline of the Next Round scheduling the match has to be completed. If the arbiters decide that an extension will not be granted, the player that is unable to play the match will be forfeited if they do not find a way to play.

Have good tournament everyone!

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