
server eror

Because of a server error, I lost points in a game I was about to win. I would appreciate it if you at least fix the score I lost.

@cmytz Oh wow,i thought you won't lose rating points because of lichess server failure.You started the game before Failure but you lost it during Failure.You should get a refund. Please use
It just happened to me also. I was playing white and black first lost a knight and then I took his rook and my opponent left the game. Waited for his reply which never came. He lost on time but nothing happened. After several minutes of waiting I got the board back but now I lost on time! We played several minutes longer than the board shows. I have pictures!! Very annoying indeed.
What to do??
Does anyone want to see the pictures I have so I can get my points for winning??
@trulssk No.Internal Server Error happened during your game and all games are aborted.That's why you'll not get any rating points.
@hhornung As i said,Internal Server Error occured during your game.Your game is aborted and you won't win or lose any rating points.

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