
If you were the founder of your own political party, how would it be called?

Supreeeeem Ruler Take Oll ur money and take over the world Parteeeeeeeee
working class mps on working class wages
not only would i vote for them i have actively campaigned and canvassed for Terry Fields of Liverpool Broadgreen constituency when he stood on that platform
Terry was a fireman ,, and on getting a landslide in his constituency became their mp , he held true to his word only taking home the salary he earned as a fireman and donating the rest of his mps pay to charities he supported
too often it is rightly said politicians seek to line their own pockets , so im all in favour of those who refuse to be swayed by money when they represent us
a quote from Terry's maiden speech
"A militant is just a moderate who has got up off their knees"
@sabutuma said in #16:
> id likely vote also for a Mhairi Black , party , here is her maiden speech
Her maiden speech was blank?

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