
FIDE World Fischer Random Championship – Update

The last paragraph has been suggested multiple times before, but it just shifts the problem as it favors those who get another game started in the last minutes. Or they arrange draws at 1 minute left and take another game.

None of these concerns exist in a swiss. of course arena is all great for fun, but for very serious competition, it has too many annoying luck factors
@Cedur216 Swiss is also luck based on who you play, and the psychological effect: if you lose your two games bc you were paired unluckily against higher rated this has a great psychological toll, but if you win them you are in good stead. Plus, pairings mean you could play all higher rated or all lower rated/
IMO Swiss is better but it’s not perfect. Arena is all about streaks and zerk which is based on luck of pairing and game. Swiss tournament are much more fair, and it’s how OTB tournaments are conducted. Swiss seems to be a bit more serious and arena for fun. I think the best tournament by far tho is a Swiss round robin, because everyone plays everyone and their is no bias in opponents. Of course: this cannot be done online unless it’s serious events or events you have to qualify to, but I’m just saying. But that’s just my opinion In General. For this particular tournament at least the Q1 and Q2 I agree that arena is obviously better because it narrows down quickly.
For me, the main thing is to ban berserk in important tournaments in the arena and this format will be much better for _chess_.
How about BERSERK on classical chess!!! It may increase decisive results.
Is there any update at the exact time the Swiss Stage will be played on Saturday/Sunday?
@alp_arslan92 said in #48:
> Is there any update at the exact time the Swiss Stage will be played on Saturday/Sunday?
It's in the left info box on the tournament sign-up page: Sep10, 2022, 7:00 PM

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