
Teacher/student mode

I've started a couple of (in-person) chess classes for mostly young children, and we're using Lichess as the default place to put studies, solve puzzles, etc. We have a team and things work great, but what's lacking is the ability for a student to designate an account as their "teacher" (as opposed to just a normal follow). I can think of a couple of useful privileges this would grant, and I'm sure there are others:

1. The "teacher" account would be able to communicate with the student account even if the student account is in "Kid Mode" (most of the parents of the kids in the class opted to put their accounts in Kid Mode since they're in the 8-10 age range, but that prevents me from messaging them to tell them about events, review things with them, etc)

2. The "teacher" account would be able to view the puzzle dashboard (most importantly the history) of the student account. Right now I can see how _many_ puzzles they solved from just the public profile, but I can't see which puzzles they missed. The types of insights the puzzle dashboard generates would be *invaluable* to a teacher.

3. The "teacher" account would be able to assign challenges on the students' behalf. It would be fun to run little matches between students in the class, and of course we can do this currently, but it would just be simpler if I could set up the matches for them rather than have to explain to twenty different sets of parents how to find profiles, create challenges, etc.

I'm sure others can come up with dozens of other examples. Any thoughts from the devs?
Wow. Of course the one time I think I've come up with a useful feature request for Lichess, it already exists in a much better form than I could have even imagined.

Thank you so much :)
Although now that I've had a chance to experiment with the feature, while it seems like a great foundation (I love the attention put into the details like the ability to associate a private Real Name with each account, or the manual invite codes for Kid Mode users), it doesn't actually cover most of the features above. It seems to mostly just aggregate play/win/loss statistics for all the students, unless I'm missing something? Can't see individual puzzle history, arrange matches, etc.

Still, I do very much appreciate the feature and it seems like the perfect base to layer on more functionality like my suggestions above. Would PRs in this vein be accepted?
I think so. Those are good ideas.

Your third suggestion would also be useful for the wider player base, not just students and teachers. There's an issue for it, but deciding on the UI seems to be the main blocker:
Though since you mentioned PRs, if you're familiar with using Rest APIs, you can already create matches between students using it:
> 1. The "teacher" account would be able to communicate with the student account even if the student account is in "Kid Mode"

is already handled by
I coach a team and help coach hundreds more. The Class feature is great, but it's still very clunky.

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