
Can Lichess allow Round Robin tournament?

i want to suggest lichess can allow player/organizer to create round robin tournament...

now we already swiss and arena format... adding new format that is round robin will be interesting. hope my suggestion will be accepted...
We'd like to add it, but unfortunately Round Robin doesn't work online.
The reason is that it has no fair way of dealing with people leaving the tournament early. We cannot expect that all players will play all their games in an online event. It just won't happen, and as a result most Round Robin tournaments would be flawed and unfair, which defeats their very reason to exist.
The closest you can get to Round Robin online is to play a Swiss tournament with a very high number of rounds. Then all possible pairings will be played before the tournament ends.
adhitya.. are u in the lichess developer team? i dont understand your reason... if we can do round robin event like 6. 8. 10 or more players, i can always do it online without any problem.. i just call interested players that i already know.. we agree to play round robin or maybe double round robin and play until finish.. either it is blitz time control, or rapid.. it depends on the organizer...

i did swiss 5 rounds with 6 players to replace round robin so that every one will meet each other.. but the colours maybe will not fair.

so here i do think if lichess can add round robin format, it will be another good extra features lichess give to their members...

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