
Cheater gameplay? - part 1

@Flamin-Hot-Cheetos said in #6:
> Wow bro, how do you get this info this is crazy. That blog poster probably got hundreds of games at least and studied them from CLOSED accounts. That's tough man.
He downloaded the list of games in PGN from - analyzed their analysis (annotated games mean not that somebody manually marked the moves as good or bad, wrote a comment but they were analyzed by an engine) and for each game checked whether the account has been closed or doesnt exist - not sure if somebody created a new account with the same name...
<Comment deleted by user>
@oortcloud_o Nice blog but I think the datasets are too unreliable. We don't know what time control the cheater used and can't assume it was bullet, they also could have been banned for other reason than cheating. Maybe it corelates perfectly well but that's hard to confirm.
By the way what software do you use for the graphs?
@i-bex said in #14:
> @oortcloud_o Nice blog but I think the datasets are too unreliable. We don't know what time control the cheater used and can't assume it was bullet, they also could have been banned for other reason than cheating. Maybe it corelates perfectly well but that's hard to confirm.
> By the way what software do you use for the graphs?
it looks like gnuplot :) - but i dont know for sure :)

the games from download lichess org have time control listed. - from my expierence of analysing lichess datasets 90% of games are fast control only < 3 minutes - its hard to get meaningfull (well timed and thought) game from the daytabase :)
@StEustache said in #3:
> This is all bullshit. I play almost 1 min games so nobody can cheat on my games. When i play slow games like 5-3min increments i take my time to play each moves that i cannot do on a lightning games...that does not mean i cheat because i take too long to p lay a move.. but i dont care.. there is other sites to play....and i still can play but my rating does not change. Its is a shame that i cannot play standard tournaments.

It might not be that you cheated. Maybe you violated a different rule in the Lichess Terms of Service - you can appeal at to find out what you did
Do you think this abuse in chess games conditions us to "hate but accept" computer abuse as a part of life? For example, will we follow the same path in banning abusers from school for using AI as an "unfair aid" to make others believe there was real learning or previously developed classroom skill?

I tend to believe that we are about to accept AI and computer aided existence as a population in the next generation. It sucks for chess, but somehow I'd rather see professors/teachers encourage their students to dive into AI and use it to its fullest extent than try to ban it out of existence.
I just experience wrong numbers. Good players at 800-1000 and why don't they move up then? Find it more fair in tournaments. Might stop with quick pairing or expect the stats to be shot down forever. I don't mind losing 200 rating and move up later, however, it's looking bad in my opinion.
I would love to see this done with 5 minute blitz games. I run across a lot of sus games...