
Chess problem

Are 2 white knights not enough? Put them on f3 and e4, then play Ng5.
if two knight on the board it's not enough to win
Yeah! @tpr is correct even if there are knights and placed on f3 and e4 White is winning after Ng5.
opps if two knights on the board it's enough to win @tpr
because if white king at d3 white knight at b4 easy win
I THINK Nd2 Ba7 Nf3 Bb8 Nc3 Ba7 Ne4 Black has to sacrifice a piece to prevent mate!
Stockfish can't understand this position 1b1qrbrk/2p1p1p1/PpPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/8/N7/N7/K7 w - - 0 1
Regarding two knights:

Black can sac the Queen on a6, b5 is coming, the Black Bishop comes into play via a7-e3 covering g5. That’s why a third one.

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