
I can cheat the Lichess Puzzle System

If I do lichess puzzles, there is a link to the game right? If I click on the link, it would bring me to the exact same game and the exact same position. If I turn on the Practice with Computer on the game, I can see what is the best move in that position and then solve the puzzle. Please fix this by either taking down the link or something else. I want LiChess puzzles to be fair and help improve LiChess.
If you really want to cheat yourself nothing can stop you from loading the puzzle into the engine.
Simply don't you look at the back of the magazine at the answers when you do a crossword puzzle? of course not you want to enjoy the crossword!
IMO the problem of puzzles is they are rated. Because of that, people can cheat and puzzles' ratings can drop hella lot. That hurts the inexperienced players and lower ranked puzzle solvers because they can get hard puzzles with low ratings. For example I can say some of the 1400 rating puzzles are harder than 2000 ones in here.
It's funny, some time ago i was able to get 2000+ at puzzles quite easily, nowadays i barely manage 1700. And i'm pretty sure i haven't got that bad at such short time.

Maybe the point of #4 has something to do with it...😕
#1 There are no leaderboards for puzzles, so no one can brag about their puzzle ratings even if they have some high rating.
And as lichess say, "You are cheating yourself."
It’s not other people’s job to save you from yourself. If you willingly spoil the fun and educational potential of a chess puzzle by looking up the solution without thinking for yourself, then it’s your own problem. And I don’t believe that the impact of puzzle cheaters on the puzzles rating is that decisive, since most people use them as intended.
up until around 2000 rating the puzzles are extremely elementary tactics...I am sure chess has got a lot softer lately I used to do mind bending puzzles many years ago...try chess informant encyclopaedia of combinations if you want some toughies

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