
Double Fischer Random

Any plans on making this a playable variant on here?
The same as Fischer random chess, except the White and Black starting positions do not mirror each other. It has 921,600 (960*960) possible starting positions.
You could hack lichess to play this stuff here. Generate two 960 starting positions at random (one for white, one for black). Then go to Tools -> Board Editor. Set up the position using the board editor, then hit “continue from here”. Choose a friend you’d like to play with and go from there.
@estd1759 said in #3:
> The same as Fischer random chess, except the White and Black starting positions do not mirror each other. It has 921,600 (960*960) possible starting positions.

I would bet that a lot of those positions would be biased towards one side. After all Chess960 setups can vary in how easy it is to develop your pieces and castle.

So other than being less balanced, this game is not really different from normal Chess960.
@AHeroRises said in #4:
> You could hack lichess to play this stuff here. Generate two 960 starting positions at random (one for white, one for black). Then go to Tools -> Board Editor. Set up the position using the board editor, then hit “continue from here”. Choose a friend you’d like to play with and go from there.
Try using this site to generate your FENs:
my try: (position #561) FEN: nbqrkrbn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/NBQRKRBN w KQkq -
Have fun!
Look, guys, what if I'm just really really lazy? I just want to press a button to play this. Why is Lichess oppressing me like this?

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