
Acceptance to join a club.


About half year ago I tried to join a club, but my attempt was declined. Is there any possiblity to try again to get to the club. I have word acceptance from the team leader, but cannot ask to join the club (on the club page) - because all I see is "Your request to join has been declined by the club leader". Button "join to the club" is innactive.

the team leader has to go to the team, then settings, then on the top left "declined requests", or to the url{name of team}/declined-requests – and they have to accept you there.
May I propose a feature request (and thus go a little off-topic)?
I would love to see that this "Your request to join has been declined by the club leader" message and its implication may be removed after a certain, extended period of time (like one year or even two years).
As I think that there are a lot of team leaders who don't actually are aware of the possibility of accepting a declined request, it would be easier if the person could - of course in addition to the team leaders already existing option - reapply in one year again, then a second time in two years and if the user is then declined he can't join the team (unless the team-leader accepts his request).
Thus, spamming would most probably not be possible (given that you only get three "tries") while it would be easier for some people to join a team, in which they were not let in due to some error by the team leader. Then again, this is probably a too complex of a solution for an easy, most probably not widespread problem.
If this has gone too off-topic I will delete this post.

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